1965-1966 Yearbook

Dr. Clyde R. Montgomery joined the H arding College faculty in the fall of 1959. H e sen ·ed one yea r as Director of T es ting and Counseling before de' ·ot ing full time to the teaching of und erg radu a te and gradu a te el ementa ry educa tion courses. Hi s " ife, Mrs. :'>1aude :vtontgomery. is a member of the elemen tary educa tion faculty. A na ti ve of Ty ler Coun ty, W . Va., Dr. Montgomery a ttended Salem College. the Uni versity of \Yes t Virginia. Duke Uni versity and Sta te Cn i· versity of Iowa. r eceiving th e Ph .D . degree f rom the l all er in stitution. He \"as actl\"c in th e Sea rcy Kiwani s Clu b and " as a member of a number of profess ional o rp;a ni za li ons and l ea rn ed soc ie ti es . jncluding PIli Beta Kappa. and he \yas a member of the College Chu rch of Chri st. 1 re di ed of a hea rt a ttack on Apr il 2. 1965. "hile \\·orki ngon hi s fa rm nca r Sea rc\" . 14 Dr. William Kn ox Summitt joined the Harding College faculty in the fa ll of 1933 and gave 32 years of dedica ted, effecti ve service in various capacities. After ser ving as Registra r for . many yea rs, h e became Director of the T eacher Education Program in 1960. Born a t Ca rdwell, Mo., he a ttended FreedH a rdeman College, U ni on Un iver sity. George Peabody College and th e U ni ver sity of Missouri, r eceiving the Ph .D. degree from the l a tter institution . H e had served as Cha irman of the Camp Wy ldewood Board s ince th e camp's beginning in 19·18 and he was a pas t pres ident of both the Kiwani s Club and th e Young Business Men 's Club. Dr. Summitt, a deacon in the College Church of Christ, wa s a ttending a m ee tin g of the Quawpaw Boy Scout Council in New Orlean s when h e was stru ck by a hit·and-run dri ver on October 2,1 965.