SENIOR OFFICERS. Pct Hile, Vice President; W. F. Rushton, Sponsor; Koy Crowford, Secretary; Tom Blucker, President; Bob Gilliam, Sponsor. SENIORS Graduating • follow paths of excellence seniors REGINA SPIRIT AWARD DWAYNE VAN RHEENEN Serving thi s year as president of the Student Associa tion of Harding College, Dwayne Van Hheenen ha s had man y opportunities to demon - strate hi s qualiti es of character and hi s outstanding ability ·as a l eader . Dedica ted to th e aims and objecti ves of Chri sti an educati on , he has exemplified through hi s words and hi s actions the true spirit of Harding College . The sustained ovation he received from v isiting di gnitaries following his speech on behalf of th e student body at the inauguration of President Ganus in September r ecogni zed the masterful job h e had done on bringing gr eetings to the new president. Although quiet and unassuming by nature, hi s high sen se of r esponsibility, excell ent judgment, coura geous l eadership, superior scholarship, and genuine Christian character have made him the almost unanimous choice for th e 1966 Regina Spiri t Award presented annually by the Regina Social Club to the senior who evidences most cl ea rly the true Harding spirit. 152