to utilize their pre-game defense locl ics, the Zeta Rho girl s exert their moximum effort in on ottempl to gai n a victory for their sociol dub. IHO . TOP ROW: MU llcy (sponsor), Bolentme, Boll, Bells, Cobb. ROW: England , Fortner, Grange, Holey, Holeman. THIRD ROW . loney, lester, l ittle john, McAllister. FOURTH ROW: McMackin , Pearce, Pierce, Pentecost . FIFTH ROW: Pharr, Sears, Barbaro _'''~''''''y Shanks . Sheehy, Taylor ZETA RHO 'Go Zeta Rhd resounds across campus as pledge week starts "Go Zeta Rho !" This unforge llable so ng for twelve Zeta Rho " zugs" rang out loud and clear over the campus during pledge \\'e~k . After a tiring week of pledging, the submissive pledge~ became ac tive members of th e club during an indu cti on ceremony at the home of their club sponso r. A fall outing on beautiful Petit Jea n mountain ser ved as a time to unite th e club s isters. They en - joyed tramping throu gh the wood s and looking at the colorful fall scenery. The members of Zeta Rho joined with th eir club brothers, TNT, for a fes tive evening of Christmas caroling. Upon returning to the campus. the Christmas carolers gather ed in the Emerald Boom to feast on lucious pizza . OFFICERS. FAll: Klrkbnce, Pres, Marteney Vlce·Ples. Tay lor, Sec; Pierce, Treos SPRING: Hoby, Pres McAllisTer, Vice-Pres lesfer, Sec Sears, Treos.- Eloise Muncy Sponsor 149