lETA PHI lETA Breaking of Valentine pinata showers the guests with treats The breaking of the Valentine pinata was the highlight of the Zeta Phi third fun ction. After the pinata was broken , each gentleman sc rambl ed to find hi s very own val entine and to gather bits of goodies. After the excitement of th e pinata breaking, the group ga ther ed around the fireplace fo r informa l singing. The function was held at the home of Cindy Watts. Eighteen pl edges became active club members du ring a formal init iation at the home of Miss Bell . "Golden Holly" decorated Kelly 's Grill for the cl ub 's ann ua l Ch ri stmas banquet. The couples were entertain ed with a speech by Billy Ray Cox and music by The Agents. To climax th e even ing, eac h g irl presented her date with a humorous g ift. OFfiCERS . FAll: Donley, Pre~.; Woolard, Vice· Pres.; Martm, Sec., Row land, Treas SPRI NG, Woolard, Pres· Spears. V;ce·Pres- M iller Sec Walts. Treos Winne Bell Sponsor ZETA PHI ZETA . TOP ROW: Bell hponsar), Bornes, Brock, Burchf ield, Chisum. SECOND ROW: Clar k, Crowell , Cudd, Donley, Dorman. TH IRD ROW: Emanuel, Hemingw ay, Hoggon , Hudson, Mann ing . FOURTH ROW· Morr in, M iller, Pr ice , Rowl and, Sims FIFTH ROW, Spears, Stell , Turner, Watt s, W ill iams , Woolard E)(lend,ng a friendly w elcome to freshman girl s as they come through the line ot open house, These Zeta Phi' s are typical of the Hording spirit