1965-1966 Yearbook

Au st in, Bell s, COin , Camp . OND ROW , Creech, Ford, Hancock, Hunt. TH IRD ROW: Jewell , lawlock lor. McDonald. FOURTH ROW: Madden, Norris . Perry , Posv ic. ROW- Pr ice. M Smith , S. SmiTh , Wrig hT . WHC Novel 'beatnik' idea utilized by WHC's for third function One of the oldest clubs on campus began an ac tive year of participation as the presen t members were joined by seventeen pledges. They were ins tructed in the club traditions at a candleli ght ceremony h eld at the h ome of Mrs. Cox, th eir sponsor. In the fall the WHC' s and their da tes enj oyed a beatnik party at tJle pumping sta tion . Pizza, coconut bobs, a nd spontaneou s enter tainmen t highl ighted tJl e evening . In th e Va lentine atmosphere of February 12 the members and th eir da tes a ttended a banquet cen - tered around the theme of "Hearts and Roses." Entertainment consisting of both folk and popular songs was sung by Carol Byers and Darrell Chitty. OFF ICERS, FAll : M cDonald, Pre s. ; M . Smi th, Vice · Pres .; Hunt , Sec.; Lock lar, Treos. SPR ING : McDonold , Pre s. ; M . SmiTh , V ice -Pres ; Hunt , Sec.; l ockla r. Treas.; Mrs. Bill y Roy Cal( , Sponsor. congen Ia l smiles and a worm fr iendl iness cha racter ize W HC" s M ary Al ice Sm iTh and l inda Robi nson as They we lcome visi tors at open house