Tofebts joi ned by Mrs. Wilson , their sponsor, soy "hello" 10 meel and greet t he incoming women students who "isited their display to get acquainted TOFtBT Eleven \ toads' now members after having a bunking party "Hey. toad. come clean my room~ :' was a familia r phrase hea rd during pledgeweek. For th e entire week eleven lowly pledges r eceived su ch orders for operation . At the close of thi s "eventful " week the hard worker s wer e trea ted to a bunk ing pa rty at Wy ldewood and then were formally initiated into the club at th e home of th eir sponsor, Mrs. Wilson. Anxi ous for th e holiday season to a rri ve ea rly. Torebt members and their da tes journeyed to a nea rby res taurant for an evening of "Season 's Greeting." Three club member s sa ng ca rols and :vi r . Gene T albert spoke. As the ir project for the yea r the members sent a monetary con tri bution to the Pa ral\ould Chris ti an Children's Home. OFFICERS. FALl: Davis, Pres.; McCloud. Vice·Pres.; Allen, Sec.; Coyne, Treas. SPRING: learned, Pres.; Nelms, Vice.Pres.; Clark, Sec.; Duer, Treos .; Mrs Murrey Wilson . Sponsor 146 TOFEBT. TOP ROW: Wilson !sponsorl. Allen, Barnes, Britton, Brown. SECOND ROW: Carpenter, Chambliss, Clark, Coyne, Da"is. THIRD ROW Duer, Gor,sner, Gi bson, Grimes, Hendrix . FOURTH ROW: Hulell, lomb. l earned, McCloud , Nelms, N ick. FIFTH ROW: Ogle, Rosebeary, Son· derson. Thomas, Tippins . Wilson