their efforts in a succeuful allempt to cantrol the basketball, the Theta Psi team exercised the type of cooperation required ta Win games. PSI. TOP ROW: Storr (sponsor), Bell, Bradford, F. Bush. SECOND : Dooley, Eckerberg, Eddy, Focks. THIRD ROW: Green, Hollis, Kee, FOURTH ROW: lasley, lewis, McClaren, Mat his. FIFTH ROW, , H. Robbins, K. Robbins, Smi th. SIXTH ROW: Sta fford, Stanley , Thompson , Wolf THETA PSI Pins fall and scores climb as group participation pays off Tn ea rl y October thirteen eager " rabb its" hopped a bout the campus as they humbly served pledgemistresses. The week was climaxed by formal initiation which was held at the home of Mrs. Jen y Sta rr. The pledges quickly joined forces with the ac tive member s and the club's eage r spirit led them to th e winning of the bowling champion ship. En thusiast ic su pport was shown by The ta Psi Ihi s yea r in the intramural sporLs prop;ram in which Lhere wa s good parti c ipation in the various activ iLies. The year has been highlighted by frequent gettoge thers and bunking parties at the home of Barbara Thompson. At the beginning of th e second semester plans were made for-the spring banquet. OffiCERS. FALl: Bush, Pres.; H. Robbins, Vice· Pres .; Lewi s, Sec.; Stanley, Treas. SPRING: Green, Pres.; Focks . Vice -Pres .; Petway , Sec .; Stanley , Treos .; Befly Storr. Sponsor. 145