REGINA Reginas take to the hills to climax busy week of pledging A rainy October day found th e Reginas and th eir dates at Petit Jean State Park enjoying fun and froli c in the mountains. Hikers followed the long footpath down to Cedar Fall s while some couples visited "Vinrock Farm. Hungry appetites wcre sa ti sfied by "sloppy joe's." At the beg inning of pledgeweek thirteen " r egal" pledges crown ed tlwmsclves as th ey became lowly subservants to the ir pledgemi stresses. "Shangri-Ia" sugges ted an unusual theme for a late Feb ruary banquet held at Bill 's Res taurant. Tables for two along with the candlelight provided a romanti c atmosphere. The evening was climaxed with a performance of the " "Vorlds of Shakespeare" by Julie Huddl eston and Andy Saunders. Of.fICERS. FALl: Lloyd, Pres ; Grandi, Vice· Pres.; Hyde, Sec.; Atteberry, Treas. SPRING, Grandi, Pres.; Mull ins, Vice·Pres. ; Brown , Sec. ; Hyde , Treas. ; Bessie Moe Pryor, Sponsor REGINA . TOP ROW, Pryor (sponsor), Atteberry, Barker, Brown, Byrd. SECOND ROW, Clark, (Iosterman , Gillean, Grandi, Hall. THIRD ROW, Hankins, Hawk ins, Herndon, Holder, Hyde , Ingram. FOURTH ROW, Jones , Johnson, ledbetter, lemon, Lloyd , Martin . FIFTH ROW, Medearis, Mullins , Parks, Reeder, Sewell, WrighT Regina 's Nancy Ingram, Re l ::J lloyd, Debbie Janes, ond her dale Pol Barker pause momentarily as they hike along mounTain Trails of Petit Jeon.