PMI DELTA. TOP ROW:Pryor !sponsor), Allmon, Bennett, Burke, Ch roniste r SECOND ROW, Clark, Dickerson, Ditsleof, Henderson , Hollomon. THIRD ROW: Kincade, Krope , Low, Pate, Phillips. FOURTH ROW: Poller, Pruitt, Roten. S. Rolen , Rouse, Sondley. FIFTH ROW: Scruggs, Staggs, Taylor, PHI DELTA Phi Delta week to ' rats ' endure trying become members "When we are initiated, then we will be appreciated" was a common feeling of thirteen " rats" as they endured the hard ships of pledgeweek. At the close of the week the pledges were instructed in the idea ls of the club at the home of their sponsor. Mrs. Neale Pryor. In the fall the Phi Delta 's and the ir dates journeyed to scenic Petit Jea n State Park for the annual outing. After hiking a long footpath s and climbing mountain slopes the couples sa ti sfier! their appetites with a cookout over an open fire . Enthusiasm was sparked within the club throu ghout th e year as th ey ac ti vely participater! in club sports. The year's activities were climaxed by a banquet and third fun ction held in the sprin g. OFFICFRS. FAll: Phillips, Pres.; S. Rolen, Vice-Pres.; Rouse, Sec.; Dilslear, Treas. SPRING: Rouse, Pres; Pruitt, Vice-Pres.; Wilhite, Sec.; Clark, Treas.; Treva Pryor, Sponsor. ok ng a breok from the ir tiring pledging actiVities, these Phi Delto " rots " discuss possible methods of revenge for tyrann ical pledgemistresses.