Ch ris tmas t ime provides a n oppor tuni ty fo r Omega Phi's to give club beau Dway ne Va n Rh eenen a stocking st uffed wi t h goodie s fo r Christmas. OMEGA PHI 'Kiddy' costumes characterize theme for gay third function Six teen lowly" finites" closed out a busy week of pledging with rough initiation in the College Park followed by the fonnal initiation a t the h ome of Mrs. Atteberry. They joined forces with the veteran members to compete in a year of active participation in club sports and activities. "The Farmer in the Dell," "Drop the Hanker - chief," and other juvenile games were played by Omega Phi 's and their dates at th e annual Kiddy Party held a t th e pumping station . As their project members presented the Omega Phi Scholarship Awa rd to th e club with the high es t cumula tive grade point average. OFFICERS. FALL: Binegar, Pres.; Vaughn, Vice-Pres.; Humph reys, Sec.; Dasher, Treas. SPRING: Chambers, Pres.; Vaughn, Vice-Pres,; Shaw, Sec,; Howard, Treas.: Ruth Atteberry, Sponsor. 142 OMEGA PHI. TOP ROW: Atteberry (sponsor), Anderson, Binegar, Black, Chambers. SECOND ROW: Cohen, Dasher, Dean, A. Garlock, D. Garlock THIRD ROW: Garret, Heid, Hendrix, Howard, E. Huddleston. FOURTK ROW: J. Huddleston, L. Huddleston, Humphreys, Nuske, Parker. FIFTH ROW: Rucker, Rushing, Shaw, Turner, Vaughan.