time is on en,oyoble t ime for Oege' s as they discuss plans for the future events which are to toke place during the sp ring semester. Benson. Sroderick, Cope, Corter. THIRD ROW: Deacan, Fl ippen , Houtz, milOn, Johnson FOURTH ROW: Jones, Kelton, Loveless. McCullough . SIXTH ROW: OEGE Hayride out highlights fall under fun the stars for OEGE The fall weath er and bea utiful scenery wer e enj oyed by th e Oege's and th eir da tes a t a cookout and hayride at Camp Wy ldewood . The group en - joyed feasting on chili , play ing games, and sing ing songs a round the campf ire. The evening was high - li ghted wi th a devotional arou nd th e dy ing ember s of an expiring fire. Chri stmas brought the club s isters together a t the home of Mrs. Bills for a "white elephant" party. They exchanged gifts and presented a sweater to th e club beau , She rman Shewmaker. . The Oege's and their gues ts journ eyed to Rome for an evenin g- of entertainment and adventure. Peggy Flippen , with Jani ce Barker accompan y ing, sang a selection of songs from "Rome Adventure. " To bring the acti vities to a close, the Oege's retrea ted to a nearby r esort for a day of hiking, boa tin g_and campfire-cooked food, OFFICERS. FAll : Benson, Pres.; Cope, Vice ·Pres .; Stogner, Sec.; Turney . Treos, SPRING: Deacon, Pres.; Turney . V ice.Pres .; N . Ashley, Sec. ; R. Ashley. Treos. ; Sora Bills, Sponsor. 141