MU ETA ADELPHIAN Men become seamstresses at old-fashioned country supper A hayrid e out under the stars led to an evening of fu n and entertainment for th e MEA's and their da tes. Arr iving at the pumping sta tion , they qui ckly consumed a pot of old-fa shioned stew. The hi ghli ght of the evening came when the gentl emen took needle and thread in h and to fini sh aprons wh ich th eir da tes had so gra ciously consented to make for them . Tired but h appy, the weary cou ples climbed on the hay wagon to r eturn from their evening of delightful fun . Val entine's Day brought " Hearts In Tune" to set the mood of th eir banquet . Carol Byer s and Da rrell Chitty presented a selecti on of son gs to make th e evening even more m emorable. OFFI CERS. FAll: Wilson, Pres.; Valentine, Vice· Pres.; Karnes, Sec.; Grif· fin, Treas . SPRING: Griffin, Pres .; B. Bonnerl , Vice· Pres .; Sims, Sec. ; Rogers, Treos. ; lois Vines, Sponsor. Sloppi ng 01 The desk to sign ou l before leaving for a bunking pa rt y , These MEA's anticipate on enjoyable evening of f rolicking and fun . 140 MU ETA ADELPHIAN . TOP ROW, Ayers, B. Bonnell, C. Bonnell, K. Bon· nell. SECOND ROW: Brewer, Bridges, Brown, Busby. THIRD ROW: Davidson, Dowdey, Griffin, Grjffith. FOURTH ROW: Jones, Karnes, Maddox, Norry. FI FTH ROW, Rogers, Scott, Shannon, Simpson , Sims. SIXTH ROW: Smith, Volentine, WaH, Word, Wilson. . Concentration appears eTChed on the faces of these MEA·s as they active ly cheer their teammates on to a viCTory in This volleyball game