W COMPANERAS . TOP ROW: Simmons (sponsor!, Alexander, Argo, Bi sbee, Boyd. SECOND ROW: Brown, Bryant, Crone, Forrest, Harris . HIRO ROW , Helm, Herbst, Jnckson. Johns, Martin. FOURTH ROW: Mauck, FIFTH ROW, Sharp, Smith , Stauffer, LAS COMPANERAS In step with club loyalty song \ roaches' march, infest campus "Hurrah fo r LC' was su ng by th e lowl y " roaches" as they faithfully ma rch ed across campus each morning to please the ir demanding pledgemistresses . A rou gh initiati on a t 'VVyldewood ended th e per iod of tria l for th e pledges, and they l a ter promised to uphold th e honor of the clu b In a ca ndlelight cer emony . The Su gar Plum Fairy, t in soldi ers_ and numerous other fa iryl and toys developed the delightful Chri stmas banquet th eme of " Nu tcracker Suite" to highlight th e activit ies of the year . The LCs a nd their gues ts were taken from fa iry land to fol kland by Syn etle Hubba rd who entertained the g roup by singing a selection o f fol ksongs. Dr. H. T . Cl ar k deliver ed a speech and showed a group of short, colorful film s to the stuffed a llenders. The club's annua l Spani sh Su pper was held in Ihe spring a nd an outing was pl ann ed 10 end th e ac ti viti es of 111C yea r. (~ OFFICERS . FALl: Terry. Pres.; Boyd, Vice - Pres.; Mauck, Sec.; Argo, Treas SPRING: Mauck, Pres.; Boyd, Vice · Pres , Bryant , Sec.. Argo , Treas. Mrs. Russell Simmons, Sponsar. o,.n house provided an opportunity for lC's to become acquainTed with the new women students and 10 meeT prospeCTS for club membership,