1965-1966 Yearbook

To Ko Jo Kai Chris Carpenter skillful handling of the basketball and a careful aim are importan t fOClors in her efforts to raise the score of her feam. KO JO KAt Crimson blazers adorn campus as Kojies begin pledgeweek Fourteen eager pledges donned r ed blazers in ea rly October as th ey became prospective Kojies. At th e home of th eir sponsor, Mrs. Tucker. th ey were formally inducted i nto th e club . The scen ic beauty of Petit Jean Sta te Pa r k added the fi na l touch to a day of fun shar ed by Kojies and thei r da tes in a fa ll outing. Appe tites wh etted by va rious ac ti v it ies such as hiking and boa ting were sa ti sfied by hot dogs cooked over an open fire. Val en tines and ca ndlelight set a romantic mood for the Febru a ry banquet which was held a t the Augusta Inn . To climax thi s en ch anted evening. Dan Smith sa ng and the gentlemen wer e presented w ith boxes of Valentine candy. A third fun ct ion was held near the end of the spri ng semester to climax the acti vi ti es of th e year. OFFICERS. FALl: Prucha, Pres.; Philbrick, Vice·Pres.; Hom. Sec.; Daniel, Treas. SPRING: Hom, Pres.; Kline, Vice.Pres.; Bryson, Sec.; Renfro, Treas.; Ermal Tucker, Sponsor. 138 KO JO KAI. TOP ROW, Tucker (sponsor), Balthrop, Blair, Bloomberg SECOND ROW: Bradford, Bryson, Carpenter, Chapman. THIRD ROW: Daniel, Dean, Hom, Kline. FOURTH ROW: Mason, Masters, Munn, Perry. FIFTH ROW: Philbrick, Prucha, Renfro, Robb. SIXTH ROW: Spencer, Viles Witowski. Young.