1965-1966 Yearbook

DIIIgenlly spending Iheiraher·len" sludy lime preparing for Iheir coming banquel, Ihese Kappa Phi"s appear engrossed in making linoleum prinls. lAPPA PH I. TOP ROW: Allmon [sponsor), Ashlon, Aull, A. Barrelf. SECOND ROW, 11:. Barrelt. Barry, Beavers, Bowlby. THIRD ROW: Calion, Chambers, Chesler, Christy, Craig. FOURTH ROW: Freeman, Greenowoy. Handley, Hawkins, Holt. FIFTH ROW: lawrence, leckliler, Mobley, Hogel, Sells SIXTH ROW: B. Smilh, K. Smith, Stovall, Whatley, Williams. KAPPA PHI Theme for Valentine banquet set as 'Candlelight and Roses' Twelve very lowly worms cr awled bravely t hrou gh pledge week and a tria l before a kangaroo court to become ac tive, full -fledged Ka ppa Phi 's. The pl edges were inducted at an impressive candleli gh ted ceremony which was held a t the h ome of t he ir sponsor , Mrs. Altman . Tn mid-November club members and th eir da tes spen t an evening out under the stars as' th ey took a hayride to Wyldewood. After a cookout the couples hiked to Bee Rock for a devotional. "Candlelight and Roses" was th e th eme for the annu al banquet held February 14 a t the Augusta Inn . The members and their dates were entertained by Dan Smith as a highlight to the evening. OFFICERS . FALl: Barry, Pres.; Smith, Vice·Pres.; Lecldiler, Sec.; Nagel, Treas. SPRING: B. Smilh, Pres .; Hawkins, Vice· Pres.; lecklile r, Sec.; Nagel , Treas.; Barbara Altman, Sponsor. 137