KAPPA KAPPA KAPPA Gophers dig through pledge week to be active T ri-Kappa's The gold KKK signifies the key to lasting friendships and Tri -Kappa member s agr ee that their associations and acti viti es together h ave generated such fri endships. Thi s yea r sixteen n ew "gopher s" wer e added to the club at a candlelight cer emony h eld in the home of th eir sponsor, Mrs. Ganus. Wy ldewood in mid-November set the scene for the annual third fun ction . Weiners cooked over an open fire, games, a hootenanny, and a closing devoti on al all helped make the evening a success. " Pl an ning a Chapel Program" was a difficult task for Tri -Kappa's as was shown in the annual chapel prog ram. An outing and Rn "Under th e Sea" banquet rounded out th e year's acti vities. OFfiCERS. FALL : Galyean , Pres.; Pitner, Vice-Pres.; Bradford, Sec.; Cronin , Trea s. SPRING: Galyean, Pres. ; Pitner, Vice· Pres. ; Bradford , Sec .; LeFevor, Treas . Louise Gonus, Sponsor. KAPPA KAPPA KAPPA . TOP ROW: Gonus (sponsor), Adamson, Bixler, Brad ford, Burton. SECOND ROW: Clary, Colemon, Cronin, Deay, Del ong. THIRD ROW: Erwin, Galyean, Graddy, Gregory, Hendrix. FOURTH ROW: Krouse, LaFevor, Lee, lindell, Mohon , Mears . FIFTH ROW: Mimms, Mitchell . Pitner , Scroggins, Spurlock, Teale . Vickie Mitchell proves that It's a Womans World " as she portrays the port of William Shakespea re in fhe reading of a famous quotat ion. 136