1965-1966 Yearbook

!ntricale sle ps a nd pos tel colors cha racter ized the trad itiona l w ind ing of t he Ma y pole which a nnou nced the arrival of sp ring at Ha rd ing College JU GO JU Dramatic talents of pledges exploited during the final rites "We' r e Ju Go Ju cutie, cutie, cutie pies!" r ang out across th e campus as twelve girls began a week of pledging . Following formal initia tion a t the home of Mrs. Thompson , the Ju Go Ju's began a yea r of fun and h ard work . The fall semes ter was highlighted by a banquet a t Kelly's Res taurant, which promoted the theme "Fr iendship is Warmth ." Amid holly, red ribbons, and candlelight the couples enjoyed smor gasbord and the melodi es provided by Dot Beck. The traditiona l May Fete, a chili supper, and an all-day ou ting completed the ros ter of ac tiviti es for the spring semester. OFFI CERS . FALL: Smith, Pres.; Camp, Vice. Pres.; Forbess. Sec.; BU lle r, Treos. SPR! NG: Yales, Pres.; Camp, Vice· Pres.; Hed rick, Sec.; R. Cobb, Treos.; Jane Sharp, Sponsor. 134 JU GO J U. TOP ROW: Sharp !sponsor!, Barnes, Browner, Butler, Camp. SECOND ROW: G. Cobb, R Cobb, Darter, Dixon, Evans . TH IRD ROW: Forbess, Head, Hed rick, Heg'J ie, Holland . FOURTH ROW, Johnson, light, Marks. Murphy, Peacock, Pearce . FIFTH ROW, Petty, Smith, Storli ng, Tipps . Vonn , Yates