lime means pleasurable moments for Galo's as they discuss pia ns for the fu ture activjties scheduled 10 lake place during The sprin9 semeste r. TOP ROW: Baggell (sponsor), Adoir, Amis, Botes, Bradsher. ROW: Byers, Cooke, Courtney, Cranford, Crawford. THIRD ROW: . Howell , Paine, Parker, Partezono. FOURTH ROW: Penix, Reeves , Searcy, Stafford, Taylor. FIFTH ROW: Wotobe , Watson , WeiWiII"oms, Wolfe , Wood GATA Submissive 'Muds' join veteran members to enhance club spirit Obeying pledgemistresses, standing on tip toes. wearing bright beani es. a nd wa tering flag pol es - these ar e the things tha t r emind twelve GATA pledges of last fall 's pledgeweek. At the ccmclusion of th e week the pledges wer e instructed in the club 's aims at the formal cer emonies held in the home of the sponsor, Mrs. Baggett. Christma s came early for the member s and their dates as the annual Chri stmas pa rty was held at th e pumping sta tion . An evergreen tree. red lights, and a jolly Santa Claus s~rven as decor· a tion for the festive occasion . " A Touch of Gold" g reeted GATA couples a t their March 19 banquet a t th e Augusta Inn . These . and other fun ction s round ed out the ir ac ti viti es. OFFICERS. FALl: Bradsher, Pres .; Howe ll, Vice· Pres.; Crawford, Sec.; Reiboldt, Treos. SPRING: Howell, Pres. ; Reiboldt , Vice· Pres.; Tedford , Sec.' Parker, Treos_; Jeannette Baggett , Sponsor. 133