1965-1966 Yearbook

DELTA CHI OMEGA 'Happy Birthday' rings out as Delta Chi's celebrate founding " Ilappy Birthday" ran g out in December when th e Delta Chi 's celebraten th e birthday of th eir club with a formal banquet. Paper hats, horn s, and whi stles were used to se t th e gay mood for the evening. Ente rtainment \yas furni sh ed by two of the club m ember s - Jan et Sta ton sa ng whil e Ja ne \ Va tson aCCOln pa nied h er on th e accordi on . N ine teen "vannits" became ac ti ve cl ub I1l CI11 be l'S a ft er a n unrorge tta ble informa l in iti a t io n a nd a n impressive candlelig-ht ceremon y at th C' homC' of th e ir club spon sor. La rry Grirrith was elec ted cl ub bea u for th e spring- semes ter a nd was honoT('d a t a spag-h eui slIppcr ani! hoo t c l1 a nn ~-. OFFICERS . FALl: Park, Pres.; Swann, Vice· Pres.; Swann, Sec.; Wotson, Treos. SPRING, Swann, Pres. ; C. Jackson, Vice.Pres.; Thomas, Sec.; M, Davis, Treas.; Belly Davis, Sponsor. DELTA CHI OMEGA . TOP ROW; Davis (sponsor), Ables, Be ll , Castell , Conway. SECOND ROW: M. Davis, S. Davis, Dimuzio, Everett, Hill. THIRD ROW: Ishmael, C. Jackson, J. Jackson, Kimbro, Miller, FOURTH ROW: Murry, Noblitle, Park, Prestridge, Setliff, Stolon. FIFTH ROW, Str iettemeir, Swann, Thomas, J, Watson , N. Watson, Wright. In anxIOus anTiCipat ion of t he upcoming function, These Del ta Chi's prove that mak ing decoraTions is almost as much fun as the banquet i tself. 132