1965-1966 Yearbook

TAU GAMMA. TOP ROW: Bea rden (sponsor). Adams, Arnold, SE1 0ND ROW: Craig, DeWoody, Dixon, Downing. THIRD ROW: . Hamilton, Jester, Johnston. FOURTH ROW: leroux, McBurney, B Null FIFTH ROW: K. Null. Richey, Rodgers. Salners. SIXTH Stonden. Studeboker, Townsd in. Young . BETA TAU GAMMA Shimmering 'flappers' revIve lively style of 'Roaring 20' s' The members of Beta Tau Gamma became imaginat ive to work up cos tumes to revive the "roaring twenties" for th eir fall informal function. The "shimmering flappers ' 'and their dates enjoyed an even ing of ga iety and entertainment. F ifteen Beta Tau Gamma "clods" went through a week of being inferior creatu res and introducing th ei r black stuffed "Thermos trockamortimers" to many, many people only to compl ete the period as eq ual s and club sisters after a beautiful, ca ndlelighted formal initiation at their sponsor's home, Mrs. Ruth Bearden. Other " cloddy" activiti es of the week included writing descriptive poems about pledgemi stresses and entertaining th em with a tantali zing and spicy pizza supper. A formal banquet and a spring outing were planned to climax the activiti es of the yea r . OFFICERS. FALl: Arnold, Pres.; Jester, Vice-Pres.; Grimes, Sec.; Richey, Treas. SPRING: Dixon. Pres.; Jester, Vice-Pres.; Hamilton, Sec.; Richey, Treas.; Rulh Bearden. Sponsor. up a cor for the annuol Homecoming parade gives Marilyn Grimes ond Morgoret Arnold the opportunity 10 demonstrate their artistic ability.