1965-1966 Yearbook

The enthusiasm and genuine interest of the married students is see n deorly os the ·TAG.wogon · rolls by in the onnuol Homecoming doy porod! THETA ALPHA GAMMA TAG rings in New Year with celebration in Emerald Room T he yea r was full of social activiti es for TAG . T o begin the ac ti viti es a potlu ck supper was h eld in the courtya rd between the apartments and ser ved as a lime fo r r('ncwin g- old acqu a int a nces a nn ma kin g n c\,\' fri end s. In la te Oc tober, a HallO\\'een pa rty with cos tume judging, ghos t stori es, and kiddy games was held in the din ing hall a t Camp W yldewood . To hi ghlight the y ul etide season, a Chri stmas ba nquet was held a t the Rendezvous Res taurant. Virg il Lawyer deli ver ed an enterta ining speech to the couples and Pa t Dykes enterta ined w ith pi ano sdcct ions. Cha rades, paper hats, and whistl es were characte ri sti c of the New Year's Eve cel ebra tion held in the .Emer ald Room . Thi s evenin ,,; of ga iet y was en joyed by all . H elping a need y family at Chri stmas was the service project of the club . Member s took food and toys to th e family to make the season morc joyful. Other ac ti viti cs enj oyed throughout the year were the Val entine party, a bowling party . and th e spr in,,; banquet held a t the Ramada Inn . OffiCERS. Monroe, Pres; T. North, Vice·Pres.; Thomas, Sec.; Trevo ond Neole Pryor, Sponso rs. 130 TAG . TOP ROW, N. Pryor (sponsorJ. Beck, Breeden, B. Bronson, G. Bran· son. SECOND ROW, BreedeJl, Bucchi, C. Corison, J. Corlson, Cunning. hom. THIRD ROW: Curtis, L. Dunn, S. Dunn, Dykes, Gibson. FOURTH ROW, Hiner, House, Martin, Monroe, Murray. FIFTH ROW, Nevil, S. North, T. North , Pounds, Rossell. SIXTH ROW, Corol Rudolph, Charles Rudolph, G. Sizemore, S, Sizemore, Smith. SEVENTH ROW, Thomas Thomason, Von Blair, Voce, Wright