CLUB QUEENS AND BEAUX Activities of queens and beaux augment varied club functions Christmas, birthdays, Valentines - all g ive per - fect "excuses" for clubs to do something nice for th eir favorite. Bea ux and qu eens are always able to find a good deed to do, too. While the l adi es a r e not adept a t coaching male intramural sport s th ey are loyal suppor te rs of the teams by regular game attendance. By the sa me token th e guys excell in directing athletic acti vity and usua lly l eave the " kitchen depa r tment" chor es to their favorite ladi es. Each club reserves the right to claim th a t its choice is the bes t and r eveal s th is to other s by th e various ways they select to honor him or her - wi th a gift of apprecia tion and by giving them tha t "red carpe l" treatment daily. Ju Go Ju club beau Mike Plummer uses his vasl knowledge of bas ketball 10 point Oul and correct the mi stakes of his learn 01 half· t ime . 128 By driving the Ju Go Ju Homecoming cor, club beau William Tucker demonstra tes his helpfulness. W ai ting for the Petit Jean photog rapher 10 toke thei r Queen pictures ore Ann Hedrick and Fra ncene Gass. Jim Andlf$on Beta Tau Gomma linda Byrd Sigma Tou Sigma Tana McDonald Kappa Sigma Kappa Joan Ritchie Frater Sodoli, Ken Starr Delto Chi Omego