1965-1966 Yearbook

, / faithfu lly wearing his club ' s pledge symbol. the explosive sl ick of TNT, pledge Fred Bai ley humbly seeks the signature of Kyle Smock . TNT. TOP ROW: lawyer (sponsor! . Pryo r (sponsor), Babb, Boiley, Chorles rd, (hesler Ba ird, Belew, Jeff Black, John Black, Brucke r. SECOND lOW: 8rQlJ Cloer, Curry, Do/e, Don iel, Davidson , Fie lds, Fosler, Fouss, mpton. THIRO ROW Gowen, Griff ith, Guild, Harg rove, Hea rd , HenTNT TNT'explosives' unite powerto 'blast off' for softball trophy The r e turning club m ember s r enewed old fri endships with a stag outing h eld a t Dr . Ba les' farm a t the beginning of the fall sem es ter . Through vigorou s participati on in sports acti vit ies, the TNT' s won acclaim as they r eceived th e l ar ge club softball champ ionship. Handsome n ew emblems of r ed and gray decorated th e club blazer s. As a highli ght to th e yea r, T NT made the f ina l payment on the In tramura l Sports Rull etin Boa rd . OffiCERS. David son , Pres.; Blucke r, Vice-Pres.; Pierce, Sec.; Don Smi th. Treo s.; Joseph Pryor, Virg il lawye r, Sponsors. drix, Johnson, lee, McCauley, McFarland. FOURTH ROW, Moore. Muir, Odel l. O'Neal, Pettigrew , Pierce, Prestridge. Sheehy, Dan Smith, Dennis Smi th, FIFTH ROW, Smock, Sorrells, St raughn, Tipton, 'ion Rhee ne n, Vaugha n , Woodwa rd , Wh ite, Williams, Word.