SUB T-16 . TOP ROW: Higginbotham (sponsor), Martin (sponsor), Aigee, Anderson, Bailey, Boles, Borker, Berryhill, Brown, Cook. SECOND ROW: Crider, Dean, Deaver, Edrington, Ganus, Gloss, Goode, Henry, Higgen - botham, Holcomb. THIRD ROW: Kerby, lawson , D. Lawyer, M . Lawyer, SUB T- 16 Outdoor environment sets the stage for annual Sub Touting From th e beginning of the fall semester and con - tinuing through th e last game of the spring season , the men of Sub T -16 wer e energe tic participants in all inter club sports activities. One event which aroused campus-w ide interes t in the fa ll semester was the wr es ting of th e ragtag footba ll championship from a r ival club. They chose as their pro ject thi s yea r the plac ing of a sidewa lk from th e lily pool to th e bell tower. To hi ghlight the spring semes ter a banquet was held which empha sized the theme- "Mardi Gras." OFFICERS . Barker, Skipper; Robb, First Mole; Algee, Yeoman; Gerold Woodward , Treos.; Ed Higg inbotham, Wilt Martin, Sponsors. 126 Light, Lisle, Logue, McBride, Marlin, Miller. FOURTH ROW: Orr, Paul, Plemmons, Randolph, Reasons, RiSinge r, Robb, B. Robe rtson, M. Robert· son, Sears. FIFTH ROW, Shoppley, Sheets, Sloan, Stinnett , Tillmon, Tucker. W illard , Wilson, Gory Woodward , Gerold Woodward . Chi lly, crisp fall weather makes The hoT dogs cooked over The open fire very Tasty for The Sub 1"s ond Their doles as they enioy the night.