SIGMA TAU SI GMA . TOP ROW, Sears (sponsor). Boyd, Clark, Costen, Craig SECOND ROW, Crawford . Erickson, Garner, Green, Griffin. THIRD ROW: Guerin, Henson, Higbee. Holland. Howard. FOURTH ROW: Jones, Kelley, Keichline, Lemmon, McDaniel. FIFTH ROW: Laughlin, Neely, Shenfeld, Stephens. Veara. SIGMA TAU SIGMA Rousing support pep band provides for basketball games Sigma Tau's became famous this year as the first club to have th eir own pep band at a club's athletic events. The Ramada Inn in Jacksonville was the scene for their annual banquet. The members and their dates were enterta ined by the Judi Parker Trio from OBU and Gary Kelly sang some of hi s original compositi ons. The placing of a bulletin board in the gym to display track records of previous years was th e club project of th e year for Sigma Tau Sigma. OFF ICERS. Clark, Pres.; Keichl ine, Vice· Pres. ; Kelley. Sec. ; Griffin, Treas.; Jock Wood Sears, Sponsor. Enloying Ihe delicious food served 01 their banquet , Sigma Tou Sigma members eol in eoger anticipation of Ihe entertainment wh ich is to follow. 125