Capable of handling their task, the campus Indians skillfully fead Benny, the mighty Biso~ . during exh ibi t ion a t a football half-time show. MOHICAN. TOP ROW: Priest [sponsor), Prock !sponsor), All ison , Borner, Boker, Bennett, Broderhousen, Brown, M. Chandler, W. Chandler. SECOND roW: Coburn, Davis, Dyer, Ely, Fraz ier, French, Fuller, Gray, Haines. THIRD ROW: l. Harris, M. Harris, Henry, Hite, HodneM, Howard, Howell, Jeter, Killen, Kirkl in. FOURTH ROW; lodd, lorenz, McAll ister , McGee , MOHICAN 'Shakey's' song and festivity lightens mood for gay evening "Hey, pledge I Today you carry Gali -ti -jo-gypl " This was the call that beckoned some lucky pledge as he was entrusted with the wood en Indian for the day . This and other events constituted pledgeweek for some thirty Mohican pledges. "Ye Ole" third fu nction wa s h eld at Wyldewood in mid-October. The Braves and their dates en - joyed the r elaxed atmosphere as they were entertained by The Agents. To climax the spring semester a banquet was h eld in Little Rock at the Coachman 's Inn . OFF ICERS. Ha ines , Big Chief.; W. Cha ndler, li tt le Chief; Lorenz, Scribe; Moss, Wampum Man ; Dean Priest, John Prock, Sponsors. McKenzie, Maddox, Moss , New, Paullin, Pennington. FIFTH ROW, D. Price, K. Price, Plummer, Ricks, Samanie, D. Simmons, R. Simmons, Sinquefield, Sl reet, Terrell. SIXTH ROW; D. Turner, G. Turner, Von Rheenen, Vennum. Wolker , West, White, Williams, Winter, Womac, Woodruff.