LAMBDA SIGMA Rain fails to dampen spirits of Lambda Sigmas on hayride " And get twelve more dates by Friday or you ' ll be sorry !" This was a famili a r sound to the fifteen submi ss ive Lambda Sigma pledges as they began a week of active pledging. After a week of hard wo rk, rough initia tion took pla ce at th e Starr's fa rm . This was followed by a formal ca ndlelight ceremon y held in the Bible building. Tn cli max the fall semester Lambda Sigs and th eir dates cnjoyerl a hay rid e and cookou t at Wy ld cwnod . Enter ta inment was provided by memhers Van Harris, Cecil Ethridge and Glen Cope . Displaying their capabi liti es by active participa - li on in th e Speech Arts Tournament, the Lambda Sigmas united to win the vYnodson Harding Armstrong Sweeps takes troph y. OFFICERS. FALL: Dockery, Pres.; Robinette, Vice· Pres.; Morgon, Sec. ; Da .... is, Treas . SPRING: Berry. Pres.; love, Vice· Pres.; Cope , Sec.; Forsythe, Treas.; Bill Rushton , Joe Segraves, Sponsors. lambda Sigma pledgemosler Glen Cope slfl kes feor in hearls of worried pledges who ore about 10 sense 'he " urgency " of the ir siluation . 122 LAMBDA SIGMA. TOP ROW, Rushton !sponsorl. Segraves (sponsor!. Barnes, Berry , Brock . SECOND ROW: Burns, Carruth, Cooper, Cope, Davis, Dockery. THIRD ROW: Edge, Elliott , Ethridge, fann , Forsythe . Gammon. FOURTH ROW: Gardner, Gelfys, Hamilton , Hanna , Harris, Hudkin s, FIFTH ROW: Hunter, Kn ight, Kuykendall, Looney, Love , Lyon SIXTH ROW: Maxon , Millon . Morgan . Mowry, Parrish, Perkins. SEVENTH ROW, Robin ene. Ruddick . Senn , Starr. StewarT, Towell. EIGHTH ROW, Trent , Whitby, W ilkenson , W ill iams. D. Young , R. Young.