1965-1966 Yearbook

IOINONIA. TOP ROW: Walker !sponsor!. Boothe, Carpenter, Castleman. n: SECOND ROW: Eldridge. Erskine, Falwell, Ford, Frazier. THIRD ROW: fNeman, Gilbert, Grant, Grave, Hogan. FOURTH ROW: B. Howell, D. Howell, Hubbard, Hyde, Jones_ FIFTH ROW: Kee, lamb, McClusky, Mcleon, C. Massey, J. Massey SIXTH ROW, Pace, Peebl~s, Reaves. SteKOINONIA The 'tie that binds' received by weary pledges at initiation That beau tiful stnrlight n ight is held as a n unforgellablc memory for seventeen Koinoni as. On thi s nigh t, they became act ive club members during rough in i tiation ce remoni es at Bee Rock. The club then joined together to be o[ serv ice to other s and enjoy group activities to the utmos t. Cowboys and Indians fl ocked to th e pumping sta t ion in the early fall to en joy an evening of ,""esLern fun at the Ko inonia "'VVesLern Pa rLy." Afte r th e coupl es enjoyed games and food in weste rn styl e, a qua rtet composed o[ club members hi ghlighted the evening with a sd ection of songs. The Ramada Inn was the scene [or th e formal "Colonial" banquet. Raymond Muncy delivered an appropri ate speech on ea rly colon ialism and Dot Beck sang a selection of songs for th e entertainment of the eve ning. To br i ng to a close an ac ti ve yea r of club spir it, there was a spring outing at a nea rby resort area. OFFICERS. Peebles. Pres. ; McKean . Vice-Pres Eldridge. Sec. - Treos · Richard Walker. Sponsor . • yes are on Clair McKean as he stands ready to step to the plate a nd a ttempt to execute a scaring run for the Koinonia ' s and their fans .