1965-1966 Yearbook

KAPPA SIGMA KAPPA New members show increased spirit by helping in dolly drive Start ing a new club can be an interesting but difficult task. Four upperclassmen formed Kappa Sigma Kappa and carefully planned their emblem and defined the basic ideals of the new club. In ea rly October th ey were joined by twelve new pledges. The annual toy drive sponsored by the SA aided club spirit as each member gladly con tri bu ted a toy for the drive. As an expression of their appreciation for servi ng as their club queen, Kappa Sigs presented Tana McDonald with a club blazer. OFFICERS: Cootes, Pres .; Borber, V ice-Pres .; House , Sec. : Millon , Trees.; John M cRo y, Bob Corbin , Sponsors Engaged in friendly conversation, Kappa Sigma Queen Tona McDonald seems to be the center of attraction of the Kappa Sigma members. 120 KAPPA SIGMA KAPPA . TOP ROW: Corbin [sponsorl, McRoy [sponsor), Barber, Bridges, Corey. SECOND ROW, CooTes, Easterl ing, Harpole, House, McDonald. THIRD ROW: Mortin , Milton , Montgomery, Roberts SpinJock . Enioying the first annual banquet of Kappa Sigma Koppa, Gary Easler· ling listens attentively as his club brother adds to the conversotion.