1965-1966 Yearbook

GALAXY Galaxys en joy yule season at 'Southern Christmas' banquet N ine teen enthusias tic new members were initiated at Camp Wyldewood a nd th ey joined forces with th e vetera n members to defend Ga laxy's small club ragtag ch ampionsh ip . Other activi ties enjoyed by the club broth er s were serenading trips to the girls' dorms and stag outings. A "South ern Chri stmas" was enjoyed by club members and their dates a t the picturesque Ramada Inn . Russell Simmons, wh o contribu ted a humorous reading, a lso joined wi th Dot Beck to provide vocal selecti ons to comple te a perfect even ing of enter - ta inmen t and ga iety. The clu b members enj oyed an informal party in th e early spring and an all -day club outing wa s held at Pet it Jean . OFF ICERS, Tote, Pres.; Richmond , V ice -Pres.; Smith, Sec.; Sherbourne, Treas.; Ken Davis, Ja ck Ryan , Russell Simmons, Sponsors. GALAXY . TOP ROW: Davis (sponsor). Ryan !sponsorl. Simmons (sponsor!. Alexander. Belue. SECOND ROW: BOillo, Boudro, Brady, Bray, Collins. THIRD ROW: Cone, Copeland, Cottrell, DeFoor, Dye. FOURTH ROW, Fairley, Ford, Garner, Howard, Hughes, FIFTH ROW; Jones, Lomb, l ambert, McClellan, McKenney . SIXTH ROW: McMackin, Martin, Maye r, Neal, Pace. SEVENTH ROW: Roder, Reeve, Allen Richmond, Andy Richmond, Rubio. EIGHTH ROW: Sharp, Sharpe, Shelbourne, Simmons, G. Smi th. N INTH ROW: M. Smith, Tote, Trickey, Walker , Wildman. An enfhusiast lc approoch to music is shown by these Ga laxys os they are led in song by Da vid Pace in prepa ration for the annual serenades.