1965-1966 Yearbook

FII:ATEII: SODALtS . TOP ROW: Barnes {sponsor). Ritchie {sponsor). Arthur, Borr. Barron , Boaz, Brewer, Brown, C. Buck, D. Buck. SECOND ROW: Butterfield, Chin, Cobill, Deal, Fmeman, Glass, Gibbs, Gunn, Hefley, Hobby . THIRD ROW: Hollingsworth. Kee, E. lewis , J. lewis, McCluggage, FRATER SODALIS 'Twentieth Anniversary' serves to highlight a year's activities The solitude of a camp fire, the inspiration generated by a devotional, the thoughtful reflection around a candle at a formal initiation, these reflect the Frater spirit of Christian brotherhood in social activities . "Twentieth Anniversary" characterized the annual banquet held April 9 at Anderson's Restaurant. Speaking for the occasion were Bob Hare and Andy Ritchie. A long-remembered third function was provided Fraters and their dates by a brisk and exciting autumn hayride. The evening was brought to a close with a devotional around the dying embers of the campfire. OFFICERS . McCluggage, Pres.; Wilson, Vice·Pres.; West , Sec.; Barron, Treos.; Andy T. Rit chie. Jerome Barnes, Sponsors . 118 McCown, Merritt, Miller, Parsley, Roberson . FOURTH ROW: Saudlin, C Selvidge, J. Selvidge, Shannon, Sam Shewmaker, Sherman Shewmaker, West, Williamson , Wilson, Wyatt. Striving to overcome the lambda Sigma 's in the small club volleyball compet ition. the men of Froter Sodolis engage in concentrated effort.