1965-1966 Yearbook

Various biochemical ond physiological research do to ore used in evaluating the level of physico I fitness occording to age, sex, and body build. College life would not be complete without the excitement provided by intercollegiate athletic competition . An unexcelled intramural program offers every man and woman the opportunity to develop ability in sports skills as well as to. participate in vigorous competitive team sports. Recrea tional, ac tivi ty classes help studen ts to develop skill in sports that can be played through - out adult life. The coaches and phys ical education instructors stress the value of good health h abits and good sportsmanship . The group r esearch program on the scientific evalua tion of physical fitness levels is making significant contributions to knowledge in the area and is opening the pathway to better health. In flog footboll, one of the most populor sports offered in the intramural program, teamwork ond coordinat ion provide impetus for winning ploys. 10