1965-1966 Yearbook

DR'A IOTA. TOP ROW; Hughes (sponsor), Ashbrooks, Boyd, Brown . SECOND ROW; Burr, Cogdell , Hollis , McDaniel. THIRD ROW;,Matheney, Nosh, Phillips, Pill , Rickett . presenting their club queen Jo Ann Kelly with a dub blazer, Delta loto's enjoy engaging in conversotion abaut coming activities. DELTA IOTA Worrisome week makes weary pledges want rest from work Delta Iota began its year of activities with the pledging of two new members. Pledge week was an event to remember for the submissive pledges. Rough initiation was held on intramural fi eld and a party was held afterwards. The spring banquet fea turing the theme "Won - derland by Night" was held at Bill 's Res taurant on March 11. Professor Raymond Muncy was the guest speaker while folksinger Gary Kelly provided entertainment from selections of his composition. Club queen Jo Ann Kelly stood by th e Deltamen throughout the year as she provided cakes and cookies for the hungry members. As a highlight to the spring semes ter an ou ting was held in May. OFF ICERS. FALl: Wh eeler, Pres.; McDaniel, Vice·Pres.; Pi tt , Sec.·Treas.; SPRING; McDan ie l, Pres.; Pitt , V ice·Pres.; Rickett , Sec.· Treas.; Norma n Hughes, Sponsor. Gothering for a club meeting, Delto loto ' s discuss plans for the com· ing events of the year as Paul McDan iel presides over the meeting .