1965-1966 Yearbook

Pe rformi ng 0 humorous scene for the club onnuol Speech Arts Tournament , the Chi Sigmo Alphas display the ir copoble abil it ies in dromatics, CHI SIGMA ALPHA 'Goodnight Ladies' provides an appropriate finale to serenade Tn ea rly Decembe r the pumpi ng stat ion was the scene for the cl ub 's a nnu al third fun ction entitled "Hobo Holiday. " Decora tions consisted of pop scul pture and used fl owers. The couples were enterta ined by the Green-Griffin-Miller tri o. Tn the fa ll Chi Sigs presen ted a cha pel program whi ch cha rac teri zed the pledgeweek serenades. For thei r yearly project they ma rked off parking lots. The d rama tica lly ta lented Chi Sigmas joined together to show good club spirit and loyalty by using their talen ts in the Speech Arts Tourn amen t to win the Alpha Psi Omega troph y for the ir club . OFFICERS . FALL: Wi lson, Pres .; Saunders, Vice· Pres.; Dixon, Sec.; Pa rl ezana,Treos . SPRI NG: Dixon, Pres.; Miller, Vice-Pres ; Robert , Sec.: Tho rn , Treas. ; Erie Moore , Sponsor. 116 CHI SIGMA ALPHA. TOP ROW : Moore [sponsor), Adams, Bales, Brown, Chitty, Davis. SECOND ROW : Dixon, Douglas, Gadberry, Gault, Hannah, Hile. THIRD ROW : Johnson, Kelley, Kindle, J. Massey, R. M assey, C. M ille r. FOURTH ROW : M . M iller, Moore, Fai n, Porlezona, Roberts, Roland . FIFTH ROW: Safley , Shelton , Smith , Thorn , Wilson .