lunnlng downl ield wi th grea t speed , Robley Barber ottempts to score before the opponents con converge and form 0 strong defensive line . iliA PHi KAPPA. TOP ROW, Sewe ll (sponsor ). W ilson {sponsor!. Aa ron , Absh re, Anderson, Boker, Bart ley, Barber, Beck, Bell. Bowden . SECOND rt:NI Brown , Brown, Da iley, DeGraw , Dempsey, Doran, Foules, Gable r, Hollowoy, Huey. THIRD ROW, Johnson , Kent , lamb, l imberg , BETA PHI KAPPA Scholarship trophy received by Beta Phi for high achievement For th e third consecutive semes ter Beta Phi Kappa received th e acad emic trophy which is given by the Stu dent Association to the m en 's club with the h ighest academi c rating for the sem es ter . Wyldewood was the scene of a cookout for the Beta Ph i 's and their da tes. Beta Phi cl ub queen Mari lyn Cobb was presented with a club bla zer as a token of apprecia tion for th e energetic way in which she ser ved. The el even n ew members completed their week of pledging and were formally initi a ted a t a breakfas t held in th e H er itage Room . OffiCERS. Anderson, Pres.; Brown , V ice -Pre s.; Wa lker , Sec.; Yurcho , Treas .; Murrey W ilson , E. G . Sewell , Sponsors. Maudlin, Merrell, Organ , Porter Pnor, Rlsteau, Rogers . FOURTH ROW, Scudder, Smi th, Stone, Tol and , Vande rpool , V ince nt, Walker, Wooley, D. Work, E. Work , Yurcho. 115