ALPHA PHI KAPPA APK's 'female' pledges arrive at tea party to serve members Eleven overworked pledges climaxed a rigorous week of pledging by honoring the old members with a stri ctly " feminine" tea party. T erry Cruce was awarded th e title of APK "Girl of the Year." The hecti c week was brought to a close with rough initiation at th e lower dam. On Feblllary 1 Z, Kelle y's Restaurant was the scene for th e annual "Sweetheart" banquet. Delicious smorgasbord, hearts and cupids, candlelight and ca rn ations-these all added to the romanti c atmosphere. Ca rl Allison prov ided a very entertaining speech concerning athletics and guidelines for living. Special interes t during the yea r came to the club members as they parti cipated in all of the interclub sportin g activities. To show th e ir appreciation to Ann Hedrick for acting as club queen, APK' s presented her with a club swea ter. OFFICERS. Crow, Pres.; B. Cox, Vice-P res_; Whita ker , Sec. -Treos.; Billy Roy Cox, Sponsor Keeping up to da le on all the APK activi t ies, members Kent Smith and Ronnie Brown check the clubs' bulletin board in the student inn. 114 ALPHA PHI KAPPA . TOP ROW, Cox (sponsor), Brannon, Collins, B. Cox . SECOND ROW: D. Cox, Crow, Cruce, Dickson. THIRD ROW: Flippen , Goss, Grady, Huey, Jern igan . FOURTH ROW: Kerby, McNe il, Medley, Moore, Mole . FIFTH ROW: Randolph , Sandl in, G. Smith , K. Sm ith , Whitaker. Precious momenTS of plann ing lake ploce during a time aut in a hard inter·club basketball game , as APK ' s use the break 10 map strategy.