Subm,ulve to pledgemo,uers, AEX pledges corry their symbolic, tro - d tlGnal opened umbrella wh ile their pledgebaoks are being examined. AlPHA EPSILON CHI . TOP ROW: Hedrick !sponsor), Starr (sponsor). Bryont, Friberg. SECOND ROW: Ha ines, Hogan , Johns, lomax. THIRD lOW, McKnight, Miller, Ridings , Stark. ALPHA EPSILON CHI Queen given regal coronation to highlight evening for AEX Veteran AEX members go t together for a fall campout to begin th eir ac ti viti es. Carrying th e tra - ditional large "AEX" books and umbrellas, lowly pledges were submi ss ive to pl edgemasters and were in i tiated at the sponsor's farm . In October, Kay Bonnell was presen ted a flower and crowned as club queen a t th e home of Dr. J-Tedr ick. After the crowning and pi cture laking. Mrs. H edrick furni shed a delicious lunch . A hotdog su pper at Camp Wy ldewood provided a delightful evening around th e campfire for the gentlemen and their dates. An inspiring devotional around the dying embers concluded the evening. To hi ghligh t the yea r a "Holiday of Hearts" banquet was held at th e MayfairHotel. The guests were en tertain ed by a humorous speech on "Love and Marriage" by Gen e Talbert . Following the speech , Jo Ann Kell ey sang several love songs. An April outing was h eld a t Petit Jea n where m embers and dates enjoyed th e spring splendor. ~x • • • • • • OFFICERS . FALl: Bryant, Pres; McKnight, Vice-Pres.; Ridings, Sec.; Friberg, Treas. SPRING: Friberg, Pres.; Johns, Vice-Pres' Stark, Treas.; James Hedrick. Jerry Slorr, Sponsors. Honored ond hoppy, Kay Bonnell gracefully accepts lt1e rose presented to her by Anthony Bryant after being crowned as AEX club queen .