1965-1966 Yearbook

SOCIAL CLUBS Social clubs provide pathways toward enduring friendships 11 g pen n happi t and mo t x itin of our li f u ould f r t th ··horror·· and fun of pl d e k or th · n of '·bel ngin ·· a th final ta e 1mtrntion \Y r ompleted. ,, indi iduall~- rem mb r our fir t Yi w P tit J an mountain. Blan hard prin and amp Tahkodah. the cen of our third fun tion . lub banqu t added a p cial hio-hlight to th and pnn · o ial k and of plannin pro d u n and ntertainment add d a not f ti and ophi tic:ation. Truly. lub br ther and i ter help t year the ··r all - important o ·· p i a Yital ne d \Yhi h Ha d elop throug-h fri nd r . mak E prit ocial \Yhich As the coals simmer, member Harry lisle and his date Sharon Porker gather around the fire with other Sub T"s to roast their tasty hot dogs. 112 The romanesque atmosphere of Kelley"s does no keep the guests o Koppa Del a·s Christmas bonque from being casual and talkative. Enthralled by the beauty of Petit Jeon Mountain, Regino Ann Clark and her doe Jim Anderson si serenely enjoying no ure·s surroundings.