VARSITY CLUB. FIRST ROW: New, Braderhausen, Gloss, Jones, Winter , Kee, Fauss, McMacki n, Reaves , Dye. SECOND ROW: Kitten , Bailey, West, Davi s, Crider, Barber, Alexander , Yurcha , Gambrell . THIRD ROW: VARSITY CLUB Jernigan, Street, Manue l, Whitaker, Somanie. Dean, Brawn, Parrish. Dockery , Hargrave , Merrell. Honorary lettermen's society promotes athletics Long hours of pra ctice a re r equired in order to develop the skills necessary to become a member of the lellermen 's club . The club is an organi za tion whi ch is com posed entirely of Bi son a thle tes who have lettered in one or m ore of the nin e inter collegia te sports ac ti vities in which the college parti cipates. Promotion of high standa rds among th e member s of the a thleti c teams is the purpose of th e orga ni zation and the coach es have hi gh praise for the club . Symbolic of many lang hours of ha rd wark and pract ice, the letter jacket is saugh t a fter by playe rs because it represents earned recognition . Named "' Benny the Bisan " in a student body elect ion , the foa tbal l team 's mascat is looked upon by the admiring fan s at every home game.