An nvaluable segmen t of the college plant, the library provides the necessary study atmosphere and constitutes a center for academic research. Achievement of excellence is a signif,icant objective of the academic program at Harding College. The general education program is designed to give students a broad perspective in the fine arts, humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, and religion. Specialization in a major field of interest provides the pathway to knowledge in depth. Research in the library as well as in laboratories is an important avenue to knowledge. A carefully selected library of more than 75,000 volumes, supplemented by numerous microfilms, recordings, and cun-ent journals, provides resource material in the classics as well as in modern technical literature. Seminars on major social, political and economic issues conducted by recognized scholars afford students the opportunity to obtain information on vital problems and to clarify their position through the exchange of ideas. l inda Spears is exemplary of many Harding students who earn money by a ssisting professors w ith grading, typing, and various office tasks. 9