1965-1966 Yearbook

As the game gets underway , The referee watches closely to see that the f irsT tip.off is a fair one . Making a franTic dash toward the finish line. each entrant tries to be there fi rst to break The tope . WOMEN'S INTRAMURALS competition sparks women's intramurals altlr'19 advantage of a few spore moments to practice for her intramural bowl ng Team , Martha Pitner attempts 10 improve her del ivery technique . Through th e continuing ded icated effort s of Mrs. John Ryan - affectionately called "Marge" by "her girl s''! - a dynmnic women's intramural athletic program has been developed in which a pproximately 60 per cent of th e college girls parti c ipa te. During th e current year Mrs. Rya n has been assisted in directing the program by Mrs. Jerome Barnes a nd Miss Mary Shannon. Parti cipa - tion is open to ever y college g irl and contes ts a re sc hed ul ed according to dorm itor ies, soc ial clubs and assigned intramura l teams in an effor t to provide maximum opportuniti es for parti c ipation. Maj or team sports are volleyba ll , basketball, so ftball , and track: indi vidua l sports are t enni s, badminton , and bowling; and spo rl s sk ill ac ti viti es include basketball freethrow accuracy, so ftball base run, and so ftball di stance throw. 107