1965-1966 Yearbook

Hands and eyes ore cenTered on the boll as several pa rt icipants in on intramural basketball contest try hord to gain possession of the boll. MEN'S INTRAMURALS There is much aClion 01 hand as two intramural rogtog football teams get ready 10 open or close the hole that might help their leam w in. Varied sports program provides interest for all Supplementing a well-balanced intercollegiate a thleti c program at Harding College is one of the best men's intramural athlet ic programs to be found in any college. Cecil Beck is the director of the in tramura l program and hi s vision, planning, and guidan ce of the program are key fa ctors that have buill and maintained for years an outstanding intramural program in which at l east 90 per cent of the men students participate. H e is ably assisted in directin g the program by Johnn y Berryhill and "Spider" Perkins. From the class softball contes t at th e ver y opening of the fall semes ter until the annual track and field day shortly before the beginning of final examin a ti ons in the spring, a va ri ed and ch allenging array of individual and team events are com - pleted . Competition is sch eduled according to classes, men 's social clubs, and assigned intramural teams. Major team sports include so ftball and " ragtag" football in the fall , volleyball and basketball in the winter. and baseball and track in th e spring. Unable 10 assist, Wayne Shoppley watches as johnny Vaughan stroins 10 conlrol the volleyball and 10 successfully return it across the net. 104