1965-1966 Yearbook

MEN'S INTRAMURALS Keen competition highlights intramural sports Showing the good form he hos acquired since gaining experience as an inirornlJral bowler. Ron Barnes endeavors to raise his leom's score -- Concur rent with team sports arc a number of individual sports skill contests. Participants are en - couraged to qualify for membership in Sigma Delta Psi, a national honorary athletic society. The intramural program stresses the development of good sport smanship and performance ability. Each year late ill May intramural awards are given at a chapel program. For the 1964-65 school year. "Spider" Perkins received the athlete of the year' award~ Dave Fouss was recognized as the sports ski ll champion. and ,.yilt Martin received the good sportsmanship award. Club loyalty involves worthwhile and beneficia l athletic competition bymany boys who would not othcn,yise engage in intramural sports. The enthusiasm generated frequently carries over into academic pursuits and other campus activities. enabling intramurals to make a real contr ibution to t he college program. The onnual trock and field doy, held eoch spring, provided Ihe opportunity for individual social clubs as well as independent competitors fa vie for honor by exerting a combination of learned skill and unified endeavor. 103