MEN'S INTRAMURALS Keen competition highlights intramural sports Showing the good form he hos acquired since gaining experience as an inirornlJral bowler. Ron Barnes endeavors to raise his leom's score -- Concur rent with team sports arc a number of individual sports skill contests. Participants are en - couraged to qualify for membership in Sigma Delta Psi, a national honorary athletic society. The intramural program stresses the development of good sport smanship and performance ability. Each year late ill May intramural awards are given at a chapel program. For the 1964-65 school year. "Spider" Perkins received the athlete of the year' award~ Dave Fouss was recognized as the sports ski ll champion. and ,.yilt Martin received the good sportsmanship award. Club loyalty involves worthwhile and beneficia l athletic competition bymany boys who would not othcn,yise engage in intramural sports. The enthusiasm generated frequently carries over into academic pursuits and other campus activities. enabling intramurals to make a real contr ibution to t he college program. The onnual trock and field doy, held eoch spring, provided Ihe opportunity for individual social clubs as well as independent competitors fa vie for honor by exerting a combination of learned skill and unified endeavor. 103