Constant condiTioning IS required in order to mai ntain a good state of phys ical f itne ss so that at the proper time , the ene rgy thot is needed is supplied . SWIMMING Second-year water buffaloes take fourth in Ale Swimming is the ninth intercollegiate sport which Harding added to its athletic program. In the spring of 1965, the call was issued for boys who were interested in intercollegiate swimming, but only a few inexperienced swimmers reported to the pool. Although the Bisons entered the 1965 AIC Swimming Meet at Hendrix College, they did not win a single point. Early in the fall semester of the 1965-66 school year, John Berryhill accepted the assignment of swimming coach and he began a rigorous training program for the swimming team which was greatly enlarged over the previous season. In the first dual meet of the year with Arkansas A&M, the 1965 AIC swimming champion, the Bison swimmers splashed their way to a 56-28 victory. David Cole and Brian Martin, both freshmen, took first and second place in the 160yard individual medley involving 40 yards each of the butterfly, the backstroke, the breaststroke, and the freestyle. Harding's 440-yard freestyle relay team composed of Marvin Robertson, Brian Martin, David Pearce, and David Cole turned in a time of 4:18.3. Since freshmen and sophomores dominate the swimming team, the Bison's hopes for the future are bright. 100 SWIMMING TEAM. FIRST ROW : Roper, Boyd, Wol lace, Bales. SECOND ROW: Pea rce, Brown, McClellon , Robertson, Cole. THIRD ROW, Key, Martin , Bryan, Hamlin, Dovis .