1965-1966 Yearbook

Harding keglers bowl to an Ale championship Borber , Barker, :lIdoov<''''. 10 improve tneir scores in compet ition bowling matches, learn members larry Yurcho and Rob Ba rber engage in practice . T en inter collegiate bowle rs for the spring "mailo-graphic" conference competition a r c selected by Coach M . E. Berryhill from th e consistently high scorer s in the intramural bowling contes t conducted during the fall semester . For eight consecutive weeks, the scores achieved by the top fi ve per - former s each week are mailed to th e confer ence executive secr etary . The 1965 Bison kegl ers won the AIC bowling championship w ith a tota l of 22,631 pins, 517 pins above Arkansas Sta te T eachers College in second pl ace. In individual scoring Harding placed fi ve men among the top ten in the conference: Larry Yu rcho, second ; David J. Smith, Ulird ; Dennis Burt, fourth ; Bill Trickey, seventh ; and Rob Ba rber , e ighth . Yurcho bowled 4,555 pins for a 190 pins-per-game aver age. In Ule "r oll-off" in Little Rock to determin e th e District 17 r epresentative to the NAIA tourn ament in Kansas City, the Bisons los t to Arkan sas State T each er s College, r ever sing th e outcome of the 1963 season , the first season for bowling in th e AIC. Coach of the 1965 Ale championship bowling team, M. E. Berryhill demonstrates a better way to g rasp the boll 10 two student bowlers. 99