GRADUATION Progress writes 'finis\ to dreams of the past years Climaxing their collegiate years, 166 seniors received Harding College degrees at commencement exercises May 28, 1964. In addressing the graduating seniors, the late Dr. L. M. Graves, chairman of Harding's Board of Trustees, emphasized the vast problems and opportunities of the day. He reminded the students of what they had accomplished up to now and revealed many of the unfavorable things such as treaty breaking, international unrest and other disturbing factors while advising them on " Contemplating Today's World ." "With the possible exception of the Civil War period," Dr. Graves stated, "our country has never experienced more widely divergent and conflicting philosophies than at present." But he was quick to emphasize the positi ve nature of prevailing opportunities. "The future of our country," he said," is dependent on those who are willing to stand on the foundation which made our country great, and which gave us as individuals the frerooms and liberties which we enjoy today ." Congressman Oren Harris was awarded the LLD degree and Jim Bill McInteer was named alumnus of the year. WITH the world and fh~ rest of their li fe before them, Harding', lMior. wolk out of commencement exercises and into a cholll!flging and exciting future. INTENSELY interesled in boccalaureote admonitions given by Cleon l yles, Joel Anderson typjfjes the well -prepared graduates of Harding College.