MORNING LIFE Morning calls sleepy scholars from sweet slumber Responding to the challenges of the new day - a day that is dawning with increased oppor - tunities and increased responsibilities for the educated Christian - Harding's students rise from their night of rest and prepare for the activities of the coming day. The day itself starts as soon as the foreverringing alarm is finally turned off, and the "picking up of the pieces" begins. Some go to breakfast and then head for class, while others prefer to wait until the last minute before heading toward learning. However, sooner or later, the challenges of education must be met by college students . Stretching from a hand on the alarm to chapel , the morning seems to be broken up into several units that involve getting started into the day, Chapel itself is a thought-provoking period early in the morning that is designed for worship of the Creator and the presentation of stimulating programs of student and educational interest. After chapel, a rush to the mail box and then to class involves all in a madhouse of confusion. Classes fill the rest of the morning and then noon arrives and the morning ends. SOUNDING ,he alarm early in the morn ing . Harding clocks must ring long and loud In order to pry drowsy students from the arms of Morpheus. lUDElY awakened by on alarm dock, Da .... id Smith procedes to shave, and then go to the cofetera for breakfast in order to get ready for doss.