THELMA SMITH Augusta , Art.:. BA, English CURTIS H. SYKES N. Little Rock, Art.:. SS, Social Science VANILLA W. TRICE Augusta, Ark. 85, Elementary Education OTIS L. WALKER LlHle Rock, Artc. SS, Social Science CARRIE ANN WASHINGTON Searcy, Artc. 65, Elementary Education CARROLINE WH ITE Kensett, Aric. BA, Elementary Education GRADUATE SCHOOL Gra duo te scho 01 furthers interest in educot ion Preparation of superior elementary and secondary teachers is the objective of the graduate program in Searcy leading to the Master of Arts in Teaching degree. Emphasis is placed on strengthening the student's knowledge in his teaching field since those entering the program must meet certification requirements or meet these requirements through undergraduate make-up. English and humanities, social studies, and natural science are the three areas besides educa tion in which graduate work is currently offered. Dr. W. K. Summitt, Chairman of the Department of Education and Psychology, serves as Chairman of the Graduate Council. Three years of graduate study in Bible, religion, and religious education are offered at the Harding College Graduate School of Bible and Rel igion, 1000 Cherry Road at Park Avenue, Memphis, Tennessee. Degrees offered are the Master of Arts, the Master of Religious Education and the Master of Theology. Emphasis is placed upon teach ing the Bible and close!y related subjects at an advanced academic level. An outstanding faculty has been assembled, a new library building was declicated December 1, 1964, and two modern apartment buildings have been completed this year. Dr. W. B. West, Jr. serves as the capable Dean of the Graduate School of Bible and Religion. PUTTING experience into application is one of the excellent character istics found by Cledic Jackson ond Francis Whitemon in Hardi ng' s graduate study. - I I - ,