COUNSELING students - whether involving personol problems, doss work, or a professional molter - was always an area in which Dr. Hedrick excelled. DEDICATION Humble heart, great service, Mark the man of dedication learned soc ieties. fTc has also contributed several articl es to scholarly journals. li e is a strong supporter of th e Ha rdi ng athletic teams and does cross-country running as a hobby. The Hedri ck's fou r children arc en - rolled from nursery school to college a t Harding. Dr. Hedr ick is an cIder in the college church of Christ and serves as treasurer. THE HEDRICK FAMILY. Dianne, Mrs. Sara Hedrick, Ruth, Ann, Mike and Dr. James A. Hedrick. BECAUSE of his interest in running, as a hobby, Dr. Hedrick served as the assistant Cross Country Cooch.