1964-1965 Yearbook

"AGNES is dead," mourned the soddened observers, as prolonged words of eulogy were read over Ned Baaz favo rite pet tara n tula at pool. side riles. SENIORS Spider's death draws mixed emotions from crowd JERRY HOLLIS, Columbia. La .; Bible; TNT, Treas., Dactylology 3; Timothy Club 1,2,3, 4 ; Montreal Club 3,4, Pres. 4; Chorale 2 PATRICIA SHULL HOLLIS, Buffalo, Mo.; Elementary Educotion; Zela Rho 1,2,3,4, Pres .. Vice·Pres.; Petit Jean 2; Montreal Club 3,4; SNEA 1,2,3; Groce Wells 3; Phi Alpha Theta 3,4, Vice- Pres.; Intramural 1,2,3,4; AII·Slar 2,3; Inlerclub Council 3; Les Bonnes de Chrisle 3,4, Chairman. EUGENE HOLT, Vancouver, Wash .; Mathematics; Transfer from Portland Slote College; Timothy Club; Intromural SQ!.kelboli JAN HORNBUCKLE, Jacksonville, Ark .; Biology; Galal(Y; Dactylology 2; Oriental Club 3; Bond 1,2,3, Pres. 2, 3; Pre·Med 2,3,4, Pres 2,3.4. JAMES THOMAS HORNER, Wichita , Kan .; Bible and History ; Frater Sodalis; European Club 1,2,3,4, Pres. 4; Campus Players 2,3; Intramural Sports. BARBARA S. HUFF, Detroit , Mich.; Physical Education; Transfer from Michigan Christian College; Phi Delta 3; European Club 3,4; PEMM 3,4; Intromurol Sports 3,4 . RICHARD THOMAS HUGHES , San Ang elo, Tu.; Bible; lambda Sigma 1,3; Who·s Who 4; Bi son 1; European Club 3, Pres.; Timothy Club 3, Vice·Pres., Pres. 4; A Cappello 1,2; American Studies 1,2 DONALD HULL, Boron , Ca lif.; Social Science; Transfer from Pepperdine College; Beta Phi Kappa 3,4; Timothy Club 3; SNEA 3 CHAROLETIE R. JOHNSON, Gainesville, Fla .; Mathematics ; Transfer from Uni· versity of Florida; Delta Chi Omega; Timothy Club; les Bonnes de (riste 4 . SHIRLEY JOHNSON , Walnut Ridge, Ark .; Elementary Education; Ko Jo Kai 1,2,3,4, Vice- Pres., Trees.; A Cappella 2,3,4; E"semble 2; Chorale 1; Belles and Beaul( 2,3,4; SNEA 4. STENNIS JOHNSON , Steens, Min.; Mathematics; Chi Sigma Alpha; Moth Club 4 ; Campus Players 2,3,4, Trees.; Alpha Psi Omega 2,3,4; American Collegiate Players 3,4 . JAMES H. JONES, JR., Brooksvill e, Fla.; English ; Transfer from Florida College; Alpha Q,i; Petit Jean 3,4; SNEA 3,4; Phi Alpha Theta 3,4, Rep.; Young Repub· licans 3,4, Treas.; Intramural Sports 3.4.